Sat - Sun : 9:00 - 16:00
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Stockport .SK7 3AA, United Kingdom
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Active Administration

Advance insourcing eye care is keen to provide high level of patient care and quality. We believe the effective communication plays a vital role in any organization, which is encouraged, so we can develop high quality of services that are formative to the patients and are according to the NHS Trusts requirements.

We are keen to create an environment of shared team work, learning and improvement. We have an active administration in our organization that provide us with new plans and help us achieve our objective to improve the ongoing development of our approach to quality, patient care and risk management.

Efficient Services

We have an efficient audit framework in our organization that help us to keep in place the clinical and non clinical policies.

Active and Expert Services

We put Patients care and safety first and we actively think of new strategies to keep our patients safe and provide them with high quality of care. We closely monitor and review overall performance in relation to GMC guidelines, to reduce risks and initiate any improvements required.

Continuous learning is an integral part of our culture to ensure quality of our service is maintained.