Sat - Sun : 9:00 - 16:00
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Stockport .SK7 3AA, United Kingdom
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Benefits of Insourcing with Advance Insourcing Eye Care

There are few factors that can have a deleterious effect on your service delivery and your ability to retain 18 weeks patients pathway – shortage of staff or increased number of patients in your Trust.

You can now reduce your Referral to treatment waiting times and treat more number of patients with improved clinical services.

Our Insourcing framework

Advance Insourcing eye care team can work with your own team, in your own spare premises during weekdays or weekends and will use the same procedures and techniques as you use. All the medical records and patients information will be accessible by your own staff.


  • New outpatients
  • Follow up patients


  • Minor surgical procedures
  • Cataract surgery

We deliver the same high standards of clinical care, your staff deliver.

Insourcing with Advance Insourcing Eye Care

To achieve RTT target: High volume of patients can be seen in a short spam of time by using your own spare capacity on weekdays and weekends.

Meet your budgets: Our services are cost-effective, as our fees are a proportion of the revenue you receive.

Patient safety: We strongly believe in patient safety and you retain overall control over service delivery and safety.

High quality care: All our team works in NHS environment so they are familiar with the quality of care and are able to deliver high standard of care for patients.

Flexible services: Our flexible insourcing service is tailored to work as per the needs of your department and Trust.

We can help to reduce

-your waiting list backlog of ophthalmology clinics/theatre

-your RTT waiting time

Shared learning: By bringing in our external clinical and management expertise to work alongside your clinical and operational teams, ideas are exchanged and knowledge around a specialist area is shared.

Good prestige: By reaching your RTT target and clearing waiting list backlog and increased patient satisfaction you can get good prestige.

Patients Satisfaction

Patient satisfaction is our priority. Advance Insourcing eye care helps the Trust by raising the
Patient’s satisfaction and reducing their family stress with less waiting time.

Follow the steps to work with us

a Step 1

Let us know what’s the reason for your backlog. Waiting lists backlog could be because of Staff shortages or Increase in number of patients. talk to us about it, we will do our best to help you reduce your RTT waiting times with our Advance Insourcing Eye care service.

a Step 2

Once we have your information, we will make a plan to help to reduce your RTT waiting time with our efficient team.

a Step 3

Positive communication is a key to success. Once we have all the communication done we can come and visit your department and will meet and discuss all the issues with your team. After collaborating with your team(consultants and nursing staff of Ophthalmology department) we will finalise the detailed implementation plan.

a Step 4

After finalizing a contract with your Trust, we can start working on weekends and weekdays as per your standards and patient’s medical records. We will see your patients, treat them and will book for follow up appointments. Patients will be discharged if required. Our expert surgeons will do high volume Cataract surgery in Topical anesthesia as a day case procedure.

a Step 5

We regularly carry out full clinical/surgical and management audit and keep your department well informed and updated.

How can we help you?

Find out how we can help you reduce your NHS RTT waiting times and achieve your Advance Insourcing Eye Care patient pathway targets.
Call us on this number. + 44 779 151 1298